There are a number of items that you need to bring to our pre-school to help your child enjoy their day and ensure that nothing is lost or damaged. Each child has their own named peg in the cloakroom where bags, coats etc can be left. They also have a blue tray where bags and boots can be stored.
Please ensure that your child’s clothing is labelled with their name so those articles that are removed during a session can be placed on your child’s peg for home time. During the summer months, we ask parents to send their children with sun hat and sun cream. Both of these items should be labelled and left at your child’s peg.
In the winter, please send your child with a pair of Wellington boots and a pair of indoor shoes. We take children outside whatever the weather so always ensure that they have warm sensible clothes with them. Waterproof trousers are always very helpful.
A Climbing Bears Hoodie, T-shirt and Gym Bag is given to every child as part of the £45 Registration fee. Further Hoodies and T-Shirts are available to purchase should you wish.
Clothing should be suitable for playing in so nothing too precious! Remember that we encourage children to learn through messy play e.g. painting, crafts, cookery etc.