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Climbing Bears is a voluntary run pre-school that is managed by a Committee of parents elected at the Annual General Meeting each September. Climbing Bears is a registered provider with West Sussex Sure Start, Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership. This means we are inspected by Ofsted and are able to provide funded places for children as and when they become eligible.


Climbing Bears is a non-profit making enterprise and relies on help from parents/carers to keep the fees relatively low.


All parents/carers are asked to help with fundraising activities and to take a turn on the rota for parents/carers help (one session per half term). This is a very important role for parents/carers who are, after all, their child’s first educators. We can enrich our curriculum with their specialist knowledge. The children also gain because it is an ideal way of extending learning opportunities at home.


The parents receive a weekly email, outlining the fun and learning that has been happening during the week. These emails act as a starting point for communication and gives parents the opportunity to enhance their child’s experience by extending their interests at home.

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